LinkedIn ads allow organizations to connect with the world’s largest community of business professionals by serving ad content to our members through a variety of products and platforms. Like any other platform, it allows advertisers to select specific characteristics to help them reach their ideal audience.
This course is the first recorded course for LinkedIn Ads ever at IMP, which comes in Arabic only. IMP professional trainers do all their best to explain every little detail for you to become the next professional in LinkedIn ads. Join us now.
1- How to set up your profile on LinkedIn.
2- What is the strategy on LinkedIn and how to work?
3- How to search on LinkedIn to generate leads organic and how to use the premium profile.
4- How to create a company page on LinkedIn and how to manage it.
5 – How to create an ad account on LinkedIn and the types of ads.
6- How to set the target audience on LinkedIn ads.
7- How to set the ads format and budget and bidding.
8- How to create the ads content and create the lead generation for and confirm all campaign details.
9- How to create the other ads types on LinkedIn and the other ad formats.
10- How to see the ads insights, how to add the payment methods and download the leads form.
No prior knowledge of LinkedIn marketing or LinkedIn Ads is needed. This training course is perfect for all abilities. It’s easy to be learned and understood.
In short, nothing is needed from your side, just sign up, grab your coffee, lock the door, and settle in… It’s time to master LinkedIn ads techniques.
1- How to setup your profile on linkedin with intro.
2- What is the strategy on LinkedIn and how to work with i.
3- How to search on LinkedIn to generate leads organic
4- How to create a company page on LinkedIn and how to management
5- How to create an ad account on LinkedIn and the types of
6- How to set the target audience on LinkedIn ads with intr.
7- How to set the ads format and, budget and bidding with i
8- How to create Business Catalog on Business Manager for I.
9- How to create the other ads types on linkedin and the ot.
10- How to see the ads insights, how to add the payment met.